My computer died and I figured I would get a new one. Circuit City had no interest but minimum payments for 15 months, which takes the bite out of having to buy a computer. I had asked the kid who rang me up, to make sure he put in 15 months no interest and he said, "Oh yeah. I have to request that." I have had this machine for almost a month and just get statement which says I have 6 months no payments or interest. I had a slight problem at Sams Club when I bought tires and called Customer Service and they took care of it. I call up Circuit City's credit card deparment which is handled by Chase. As getting through the menus, I get an Indian customer service rep who has a heavy accent. I explain the situation and she tells me I am not eligible for this special financing deal. I had explained I had the ad that I could fax it to her. She became very arguementive and started yelling at me to go into the store where I bought it. I ended up hanging up on her.
When I went into the store to get it situated and mentioned my rude customer service rep. The lady working customer service smiled and said, "Oh yeah. They will yell at you. They are not very friend nor provide great customer service." This goes to show that if companies continue to outsource customer service to companies in India who provide reps who have a hard time understanding simple English and are rude and inconsiderate, I will start to not to business with those companies. I had dumped Sprint because you would call and the Indian customer service rep would say, "Sir, you owe $25 on your bill." Yet you would call in the next day and they would tell you, "No, that guy was incorrect. You owe $250."
I do not blame Circuit City. Given, if the guy who rang me up would have correctly rang it up I would have not had to go through all of this. I seriously think that Circuit should force Chase bank to bring back those Customer Service jobs to the US just like AT&T has started to do.