When I goto the store, I try to make sure I park between the lines. This time, I had to park way in the back. I amazed that you were able to park your giant, gas guzzling SUV. When I came out to my car, I noticed you had crossed the line in the parking space because you have no idea about how to park that beast, let alone drive it. This proves my point with SUV drivers. If you can not park your SUV, you either need to drive something much smaller or take the bus. It always makes me wonder if you cry when you goto the gas pump and it costs you over $100 a week to keep that thing on the road?
I have seen a company that sells these cards to where you can leave drivers little messages. I would love to make some up on my own. Perhaps maybe that would give some SUV drivers a clue that if they are going to drive a monster truck like they do, they need to make sure they can park between the lines. Apparently, this guy did not have anyone riding with them in the passenger seat because they would have had a hard time getting out.
So Mr. inconsiderate SUV driver, I would hope you would be a tad bit more courteous to those people who drive cars much smaller than you.