If you are like me, you get sick and tired of seeing people driving in their cars on the highway, not paying attention. There are some I have almost had accidents with. A study released in April 2006 found that almost 80 percent of crashes and 65 percent of near-crashes involved some form of driver inattention within three seconds of the event. The study, The 100-Car Naturalistic Driving Study, conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), breaks new ground. (Earlier research found that driver inattention was responsible for 25 to 30 percent of crashes.) The new study found that the most common distraction is the use of cell phones, followed by drowsiness. However, cell-phone use is far less likely to be the cause of a crash or near-miss than other distractions, according to the study. For example, while reaching for a moving object such as a falling cup increased the risk of a crash or near-crash by 9 times, talking or listening on a hand-held cell phone only increased the risk by 1.3 times. The study tracked the behavior of the 241 drivers of 100 vehicles for more than one year. The drivers were involved in 82 crashes, 761 near crashes and 8,295 critical incidents.
My problem is these drivers cause traffic to clog up during rush hour. I use to joke, "Gee, just buy a $10 headset." I have run into people who tell me they refuse to use it because they can not hear and have admitted to talking on their phone while driving and almost getting into an accident. There is a company that sells a Cell Phone jammer that will cause these people to have "No Service" with a 10 meter radius. It would be great to get behind someone who is on the phone and have their service go out. Meanwhile, what if there is an emergency? You would not be constantly jamming their service. Besides, once you passed them in your car they would have service again. I have heard movie theaters starting to install these. In fact, Every sunday at church there is always someone's cell phone that goes off in the middle of the service. On pastor said to someone whose cell phone was ringing, "Better answer it, might be God calling you." The down side to these jammers is the price. I found a portable one for $249. There is a UK company that sells them too. I am sure the FCC would probably step in if a bunch of people came in and started jamming cell phones. Its a nice thought to be able to go, "Gee Mister, stop being so rude and inconsiderate and HANG UP AND DRIVE!" and have people have to start paying more attention to their driving, rather then being on the cell phone causing accidents.
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