There has been a recent story here in Austin, TX that they want to put in Red Light Cameras to take pictures of vehicles that run red lights. I heard one guy on the radio say that it was an "invasion of his privacy". The DJ on the radio replied, "If you did not run red lights, we would not need cameras."
I have seen countless people run red lights all over the city of Austin just to beat the light. I have been hit by one guy who ran the red light because he thought he "had the right of way" then proceeded to tell me that he would appreciate it if I would not call his insurance, that he would pay for my damages out of pocket. I am all for these Cameras. I get tired of seeing people run red lights just to make up for extra time and think the fine should be at least $100. The max amount is $200 that can be fined but $100 would probably keep more people from running the red light. These cameras have been in Germany for over 20+ years.
Now, if they could just put spike strips for those morons who decide at the last minute to jet over on Mopac when their lane is either ending or exiting because they are too impatient to wait in traffic. (Which causes more of a traffic headache during rush hour.) I would be a happy man. :)
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