I get this wild hair and figured I would break down and be an early adopter of Windows Vista. I checked my computer online and it says Vista will run on my machine. In fact, I am supposed to get some sort of free Vista upgrade for it anytime now. I goto dinner with my parents and brother for his birthday and my dad hands me Windows Vista Home Premium. I get it home and start to install it. It gets to the product key and it hangs there. I know that the Upgrade CD has the full blown version of the software, so I followed the instructions to do a "Clean" install without destroying the file I have on my box. The trick to it is that when you install it you leave the product key blank. It will install the software and then when Windows Vista starts up, you need to put the CD in and have it do an upgrade with the product key. A few hours later, I had Vista installed.
First of all, the "wow" starts now is a lie. The only "wow" I had is realizing what a moron I was installing Windows soo early in the game. I worked Tech Support in the past and the rule of thumb for any OS is what for Service Pack 2. It is a little cleaner thant he pervious versions of Windows and has a slick interface. On the other hand, Microsoft in true Micosoft fashion has ripped off Sun Microsystems and the Apple OS X. Microsoft needs to totally scrap Windows and start from scratch. They need to stop putting band aids on their OS's. I have only had Vista for less than a week and I already have 14 updates from Microsoft for it. It is also a memory hog. I have 1 gig of RAM and will need to get 1 more gig. The minimum system requirements are 1 Gig ram and 128 meg video card? Given, most systems meet or exceed that. Luckily, my dad got this version of Vista on an Academic price at $69.95. The funny thing is you can get CDROMs of the software for $9.99 if you need them. It goes to show that you should not have to pay over $100 for an OS. I think Microsoft needs to be like Linux and allow you download the OS for free and if you need tech support for it or want a CD or DVD of it you have to pay for that. It is amazing that the latest version of Ubuntu Linux is a heck of alot better than Vista. Microsoft needs to stop stealing other people's ideas and come out with a legit OS that works out of the box and it not going to lock up or freeze, instead of wasting my time and money on this Vista crap.
Thanks but I will go back to using Linux and OS X that is on my MacBook.
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