If you drive a big SUV like a Suburban or a Expedition, this does NOT automatically mean you have the right of way. I realize you are bigger than me and would crush my little Honda Hybrid if you hit me, but because you drive a bigger vehicle does not give you the right to drive like a moron. Secondly, there are these things on your steering wheel called TURN SIGNALS, please locate them right now and start to use them. I can not stand you drifting into my lane with no signal at all and you expect me to realize that you wanted to move over. Do I look like a mind reader? Third, if you miss your turn or about to pass your exit, do not take the right of way away from me just so you can try to make it in almost taking my front end off my car. You need to take the next exit and take the whip around. Fourth, if you can not park your big monster, gas guzzling SUV, you do not need to be driving one.
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