I was driving to work on 183 this morning and in my rear view mirror, I see this car coming up at a fast pace. This Audi R8 which looks like a futuristic car is weaving in and out of traffic. I was driving about 75 mph and he passed me like I was standing still. I had to laugh when he had to slam on his brakes because someone cut him off. He blew past me and continue weaving in and out of traffic at a high speed.
If you have the money to buy an R8, that is great, but please do not drive it like a moron. You are endangering me and the lives of the other morning commuters because you are in a mad dash to get someplace, or trying to show off that you are really that stupid. I do not care that your car has a top speed of 187 mph. I drive a hybrid. I drive it because I am tired of putting $100+ in gas in my car every week, plus I care about the environment. Secondly, you have 420 hp compared to my 100 hp? Woo hoo. I am not going to end up killing someone or being killed in a car that is designed for lead footers. Why would need such hp? We do not drive on oval tracks. You do not plan to outrun the law. Is the 300 hp mark not high enough for you. What kind of gas millage do you get with that beast when you are a driving like a total jerk?
I guess it goes to show that some people have more money than brains.
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