My middle brother goes over with my parents to my youngest brother's house to deliver his birthday present. My brother had his kids in tow as he was going with my parents to some Catholic school job fair. He is still trying to get a teaching job even though he has yet to pass his certification test. He has been told by schools that he needs that first before they will even consider him; but, he has not passed the test as of yet.
As soon as my middle brother walks in my younger brother's house, he immediately turns on the HDTV and fires up the XBOX 360. He then allows his son to play, Saints Row which is a "M" for Mature game. My youngest brother sits there in disbelief that our brother would even allow his son to play a game as violent as that. It makes me wonder just what kind of common sense he has allowing this. His wife was at work; but, she has been over to my youngest brother's house as well and allows their son to play violent games like that. When I ask my middle brother about it, he laughs and tells me, "He likes playing games like that."
My brother needs to get a clue and start allowing his son to play more age appropriate video games and not "M" for mature ones.
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