After I had my house on the market for over a year with a Realtor who lives in my neighborhood and never got any offers, I put my house on the market with this "Move Up" realtor. All of the builder who work with him said he does what he says he is going to do. He told me he could sell my house in 45 days. He had a professional stager come in and took professional pictures. I did get a few showings and one offer. The offer was from some investor who offered me 50% of my asking price. Apparenly, he was doing that to all houses in my neighborhood looking for the one seller who was despirate. The day I took my house off the market a Realtor called and was like, "My client LOVES your house and really wants to see it. I told them I was done and they house was off the market. I explained that after a year and a half and dropping the price of my house to less than I paid for it, I was tired and ready to just keep it and refinance it. I had held of refinancing this house because my realtor told me not to. Can you imagine all the money I would have saved if I refinanced earlier? This realtor called my realtor and I agreed to one last showing. We cleaned for 2 days straight. The people came and left. I got feedback from these people who basically told me they were going with another house. I have a feeling they decided to peek at mine and compare it to some of the other houses that were repos to see which was the better deal.
I am glad we are off the market. My oldest son reminded me that he graduates from High School in 5 years. Amazing how time flies. I guess I can hang loose for a little while. I plan to install a sprinkler system and do some upgrades, like a tile backsplash and replace the sink in the 1/2 bath downstairs. I would love to install solar but do not think my HOA is going to allow me. I will probably have to end up getting my attorney to contact their attorney and hash it out. I told my current realtor that if he sees the market change to let me know that I could go back on the market in a moments notice.
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