For the drivers out there that do not know, I am going to educate you about 4 way stops. I know you must have missed that at Drivers Ed. I am going to make it real clear and easy for you.
In the United States and Canada, there are many 4-way intersections with a stop sign at every entrance. In this case, the default rule is:
- Whichever vehicle stops first has priority.
- If two vehicles stop at the same time, priority is given to the vehicle on the right.
- If three vehicles stop at the same time, priority is given to the two vehicles going in opposite directions.
- If four vehicles stop, drivers usually use gestures and other communication to establish right-of-way. In some areas, the custom is for the north-south or the more-trafficked road to have priority, although this is rare.
Now, there is a 4 way stop next to this large HEB called the Kyle Parkway. I was coming from the HEB because I had just gotten gas. I had stopped at the stop sign. There were 2 other cars who had gotten there before me. I waited for them to go and then I pulled out. This lady in an SUV on my left pulls out as well and almost takes my front end off. I honk my horn and she stops. I continue through the intersection to make a left turn at the next stop sign. This lady pulls up right next to me and rolls down her window in the wrong lane. (The lane for traffic going in the other direction.) She rolls down her window and starts yelling, "What the heck is your problem?" I roll my window down and ask her, "Don't you know how to yield? I got to the intersection before you, so it was my turn. Besides, the person on the right has the right of way if you think you got to the intersection at the same time." She looks at me and goes, "Oh. I am sorry." She then pulls away.
First of all, this lady had kids in her car. Why do something stupid like that? Secondly, I had my kiddo in my car. If you are pulling up to make threats to me with my kid in the car, then you are committing assault. (If you strike me it becomes a battery. Road rage is a felony offense in Texas.) I am amazed at the level of stupidity in people. It makes you wonder where people get their driver's licenses. I am starting to believe when you purchase a big SUV or big truck, you automatically get a Napoleon complex and everyone should get the hell out your way. To the stupid drivers out there: 1) If your kids are in the car, do not pull up to drivers you do not know and start screaming. 2) Life is too short to get all upset driving. You live in a small town outside of Austin, you are not fighting Austin traffic. Stop being a hot head just because you think you are in the right, when you know you are not. (Heck, Kyle only has 1 red light. I could only pray the put one at that intersection.). 3) Learn to use your turn signals. Yes, your car has them. They are not optional equiptment. 4) Learn the rules of the road. They are there for a reason. If you need a refresher, take a Defensive Driving course. They are only $20 to $30 online.
If TxDOT would start giving intelligence test as part of the driving test, we would have a lot less morons out on the road.
Drive Safe!
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