This past weekend was my nephew's 5th birthday. My brother did not send out invitations. He proceeded to email me that we were meeting a Chuck E Cheese at 6pm followed up with a phone call. I asked why soo late and he told me that his wife did not get off till late and his mother in law and just got in from Florida. As I drove into the party, I called my mother and asked her what she was getting Travis for his birthday. She proceeds to tell me, "Call of Duty 2 for the Gamecube." I respond, "You do know thats not an age appropriate game for a 5 year old. It is a T for Teen game." My mom tells me that she things my brother is asking for it for his son because he really wants it. My brother then calls me and I tell him, "Call of Duty 2? You know 5 year olds are not supposed to be playing that." He proceeds to tell me that he lets his 5 year old play Grand Theft Auto and True Crime. He tries to justify it by saying he makes him turn the sound off so he can not hear the curse words. My son is almost 10 and I will now allow him to play either game.
I end up at Walmart and get Travis a Sponge Bob Ants in the pants game and another card game. I am sure my brother will try to figure out some way he can try to return both so he can get the money and buy another Gamecube game.
As I am getting close to Chuck E Cheese, my mom tells me that it is a "nightmare" there and they are going over to Mr. Gatti's. The funny thing about this whole thing is that he did not reserve a party room and everyone had to pay for themselves. My brother did not even order his son a cake of his choosing, stating "I will just get cupcakes. They are easier." He did get all the kids Powercards to play video games. Josh comes by back like 15 minutes later telling me he has no more credit on his card.
First of all, I am amazed that my cheapo brother has not reserved anyplace. At least when I have had Josh's parties, we always had food for everyone. Secondly, I alway purchase my son the cake he wants. If he wants cupcakes, thats fine too. I am amazed that my brother would wait until the last minute to buy cupcakes for his party. Given, at 5 year old you really do not care what kind of cake you get.
Of course, my brother's sister in law was at the party. I recently found out she is pregnant with baby number 6. She has 6 babies with 4 different fathers. The funny thing is she can not even take care of the kids she has. Her mom takes care of most of them. She did marry the father of her last son and new baby on the way. My question is when does the State come in and make this woman tie her tubes because she is becoming a welfare case? My tax dollars are paying for her and her kids. Just because she is too lazy to use protection does not mean that I and the other tax payers should have to pay for her making bad decisions. You would have thought she would have learned her lession the first 2 kids she had. What kind of example is she showing to her own kids that its ok to have a ton of kids and not take care of them?
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